2016 MT CAHN Nursing Education & Practice Summit
Nursing Practice and Education Growing Together to Produce a Culture of Health for Montana
Great Northern Hotel; Helena, MT
Monday, June 6, 2016
8:15 AM Welcome; Governor Bullock
Theme: Growing Together: What is a Culture of Health?
8:45 AM Ensuring We Have the Right Yield for our Future Nursing Workforce;
Peter Buerhaus, PhD, RN, FAAN, Professor of Nursing, Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies, Montana State University College of Nursing
10:00 AM Break
10:15 AM Cultivating Ideas through Group Discussion: Question and Answer (Q & A) with Dr. Buerhaus
12:00 PM Lunch – Mentors are Water and Sunshine for Our Garden
2:15 PM Break
2:30 PM Nurturing Plant Variation to Build a Culture of Health: Native American Nurses Needed
- Elinor Nault Wright, M.Ed., Office of Indigenous Research, Stone Child College, Box Elder
- Mariya Waldenberg, BSN, RN, Caring for Our Own Program, Montana State University College of Nursing, Bozeman
- Raelene Schott, BSN, RN, Caring for Our Own Program, Montana State University College of Nursing, Bozeman
- Milissa Grandchamp, MN, APRN, FNP, Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes Tribal Health Clinic, Polson
4:00 PM Break
4:30 PM Harvest Celebration Reception
- Dahl Memorial Healthcare in Ekalaka, MT Video
- MT CAHN Awards: Nursing Student, Preceptor, Nurse Champion, and Nurse
- Frank Newman Rural Clinical Leadership Award
Tuesday, June 7, 2016
8:15 AM Welcome, Acknowledgements & Conference Theme of Growing Together: What is a Culture of Health?
8:30 AM Heathcare Climate Changes Affecting Nursing Education and Practice for Growing a Culture of Health
Mary Sue Gorski, PhD, RN; Nurse Researcher and Political Analyst, Washington State Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, AARP Foundation/Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
9:45 AM Break
10:00 AM New Planting Mixes from Nursing Practice: Exemplars of Success
- Jeannine Brant, PhD, APRN, AOCN, FAAN, Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Scientist, Billings Clinic
- Janine Clavadetscher, RN, Clinical Care Coordinator, Madison Valley Medical Center
- Danette Melvin, MN, RN-BC, CNL, Clinical Nurse Leader, St. James Healthcare, Butte
- Maureen Brophy, MN, RN, Assistant Professor of Nursing, Montana Tech/Clinical Mentor, St. James Healthcare
- Mandy Pokorny, MHA, BSN, RN, Nurse Residency Program Coordinator, Kalispell Regional Healthcare
11:30 AM Lunch
12:15 PM Building the Soil Components of Regulation
- Cynthia Gustafson, PhD, RN, Executive Officer, Montana Board of Nursing
New Planting Mixes to Achieve Academic Progression in Nursing in Montana
- Mary Nielsen, MSN, RN, Nursing Curriculum Director, HealthCARE Montana Project Nursing
- Karen Vandaveer, MN, RN, Director of Nursing, Montana Tech of The University of Montana
- Helen Melland, PhD, RN, Dean and Professor, Montana State University College of Nursing
1:45 PM Stretch Break; Cultivating Ideas for Fertilization through Group Discussion: Growing Together to Produce a Culture of Health.
2:45 PM Sharing Take Away Messages –
3:15 PM Wrapping Up Seedlings to Take Home