Campaign for Action Update: April 5, 2016



Be Happy and Healthy–It’s National Public Health Week
The Campaign for Action salutes public health nurses and others in public health this first full week of April, which–as National Public Health Week–is a chance for everyone to support the public’s right to good health. Public health nurses are especially devoted to this, but all nurses contribute to the week’s goal of creating a healthier nation. As President Obama makes clear in his proclamation of support for health professionals, it’s a week for “all citizens, government agencies, private businesses, nonprofit organizations, and other groups” to take action to improve our nation’s health.

(The governor of Texas tips his hat too, by declaring it a celebration of health that should be noted at the local level as well.)

Read more from the American Public Health Association.

Report Is “Blueprint” for Collaborations in Academic Nursing

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing has just produced what it calls “a blueprint for strategic action” for ways baccalaureate and higher degree schools of nursing can play a bigger role in improving health and health care at the local, state, and national levels. Focused on strengthening academic nursing, the report outlines how collaboration among nursing and medical school deans, health system executives, and university presidents and chancellors can improve clinical innovation and the public’s health.

Download Advancing Healthcare Transformation: A New Era for Academic Nursing

The Evidence Is In: Experts Show the Progress in Reaching IOM Goals 

What’s new in research on the issues raised by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in its 2010 future of nursing report? Let the experts tell you. The series of webinars designed to do just that continues April 25 when Olga Yakusheva, PhD, reviews her findings on interprofessional collaboration and nurse leadership as they relate to nurses as partners in redesigning health care. (For details, see the post below.) See what you’ve missed, too: Notes and the video from previous webinars are online. Catch up on progress that has been made in nursing education, the subject of last week’s webinar.

Review the evidence on education.

“Great Day for West Virginia”: Governor Signs

It’s official: After nine years of hard work, West Virginians have better access to care thanks to the law signed by Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin on March 27. Among improvements: The law removes the restrictive requirement for a collaborative agreement with a physician after three years of APRN practice, and permits APRNs to sign documents previously signed only by physicians.

The state’s Action Coalition, the Future of Nursing West Virginia, provided crucial support to the effort led by the West Virginia Nurses Association and AARP. “It is a great day for West Virginia and a great step toward better health for our citizens and nursing,” writes the Action Coalition.

Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities

Campaign Updates Compilation of Funding Sources

Is your Action Coalition looking for funding? The Campaign for Action has just posted an updated list of resources and funding opportunities.  

View the list.

New: Healthiest Cities Competition to Promote Fit Behaviors

Good health is everybody’s business, which is why the Aetna Foundation, the American Public Health Association, and the National Association of Counties are partnering to provide funds to communities that develop practical strategies for improving health and wellness in measurable ways. The Healthiest Cities & Counties Challenge is open to cities, counties, and federally recognized tribes most able to show such change in the next few years. The healthy competition is administered by CEOs For Cities.

Read more

Deadline: August 1, 2016

New: “Share, Learn, Improve”: Join a National Collaborative Effort

 Get involved in the Transforming Clinical Practice Initiative, a national program that supports peer-based learning among national and regional health care networks. The idea: to improve the quality of care Americans receive, and reduce costs by, for example, reducing unnecessary tests. Jump into this historic initiative by becoming part of the Nurse Practitioner Support and Alignment Network, which is administered by the National Nursing Centers Consortium and American Association of Nurse Practitioners. The initiative is sponsored by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, and the opportunity to learn and contribute is free.

Learn more and register

Healthy People 2030 Is Looking for You

Since 1979, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has published a comprehensive set of national public health objectives, known as Healthy People, for improving the health of all Americans. For the first time, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is creating an advisory committee, experts in disease prevention and health promotion who can provide independent advice in establishing Healthy People 2030. Experts in a number of specialty areas are sought, including health information technology, health law, and the social determinants of health.

Deadline: Monday, April 18 at 6 p.m. ET. 

RWJF 2016 Culture of Health Leaders Wants You!

People involved in public policy, business, technology, community development, transportation, health–in fact, in all the fields that together create community–are invited to apply for one of 50 spots in RWJF’s 2016 Culture of Health Leaders program. Awardees will spend three years completing a leadership development curriculum and working on individual and group projects that support the cultural shifts necessary to help create well-being for all.

Deadline: Applications are due by April 19.

Apply for the program.


The Center to Champion Nursing in America hosts technical assistance webinars and teleconferences on a variety of topics. We also post information about webinars hosted by others that may be of interest.
Progress on the Institute of Medicine Recommendations: Perspectives on the Evidence Collaboration and Leadership
Date: Tuesday, April 25
Time: 3:00-4:00 p.m. ET

When nurses lead, from the boardroom to the bedside, patient outcomes are better. That’s why two of the pillars in the IOM’s 2010 report on the future of nursing focus on leadership: Nurses need to be decision-makers in designing health systems and key collaborators on health care teams. Since the report’s release, nurse leadership on boards has grown and top nursing schools are offering more leadership and interdisciplinary preparation–but challenges remain. Olga Yakusheva,  a PhD economist and associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing and School of Public Health, will review the progress on the IOM recommendation that nurses should be full partners with other health professionals in redesigning health care in the United States.

Moderator: Diana J. Mason, RN, PhD, FAAN, co-director, Center for Health, Media & Policy at Hunter College, City University of New York.

Discussing the implications of recent changes:

  • Sue Fitzsimons, PhD, RN, CENP, senior vice president, patient services and chief nursing officer, Yale-New Haven Hospital
  • Peter Buerhaus, PhD, RN, FAAN, professor of nursing and director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies, College of Nursing, Montana State University.


The meeting room number to enter, if one is required, is 741 121 097.

Webinars Hosted by Others

Fundraising Communications 4: Fundraising Materials That Work

Date: Wednesday, April 27


1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ET

What kinds of materials and resources will help your leaders, staff, and volunteers walk into donor conversations with confidence and communicate your message powerfully? Campbell & Company’s final webinar in its Fundraising Communications series will guide you through communicating visually and verbally in multiple media and formats including traditional print brochures and interactive iPad toolkits.

Learning objectives:

  • How to use photography, illustrations, infographics, and sidebars to convey your messages better than words can
  • How to use both traditional materials and new formats to support your fundraisers
  • Examples of great communications pieces from across the nonprofit sector


Recent Archived Center to Champion Nursing in America Webinars:

The Nursing Student’s Role in Building a Culture of Health

March 3 webinar.

The Evidence Shows: Better Laws Mean Better, More Accessible Care
Summary of the February 23 scope of practice webinar, including slides and transcript of the question-and-answer session.

Succession Planning: Bringing Up Tomorrow’s Leaders
Summary of the February 9 webinar.
What Makes an Effective Action Coalition? TCC Group Offers Its Findings

February 9 webinar.

Opportunities From Recent Weekly Updates:

National Forum of State Nursing Workforce Centers Annual Meeting
April 27-29 | Orlando, Fla.

American Public Health Association Award
Nominations are due by May 6.

CMS Funding to Link Clinical Care, Social Services

Applications are due by May 18 at 1 p.m. ET

NLN Foundation Invites Applicants for Education Scholarship Awards

Applications are due by May 31 at 4:00 p.m. ET
RWJF Evidence for Action: Grants to Support Research to Build a Culture of Health

Stay in Touch: Join the Campaign’s Listserv and Receive Our Mailings
The Campaign ‘s listserv allows collaboration among Action Coalition members, Campaign stakeholders, supporters, and other interested in our work, To join, visit the Campaign website.

To receive the Weekly Update, e-alerts, or webinar invitations, register here

Posted in News.