Campaign for Action Update: August 22, 2017

August 22, 2017

Send shout-outs, story ideas, and webinar information
to Aidan McCallion at [email protected].


Edmonson Joins Advisory Board for Capella’s School of Nursing

Texas Team Action Coalition co-lead Cole Edmonson, DNP, RN, FACHE, NEA-BC, FAAN, has been named to the advisory board of Capella University’s School of Nursing and Health Sciences. Congratulations, Cole!

Read news release.

Campaign News and Features

“Be  Courageous,” Urges Mental Health Nurse Practitioner 

Erica Joseph, DNP, APRN, PMHNP-BC, NP-C, a 2015 Breakthrough Leader in Nursing , started college knowing that she wanted to choose a profession that helped others. Now a board-certified psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner helping veterans, Joseph finds it gratifying to serve people when they are at their most vulnerable.


Read more.

Washington State Takes On Nursing Education 

Washington’s nurse leaders have created Action Now!, an initiative to transform the state’s nursing education. Basing its efforts on the Institute of Medicine’s recommendations for education, the group will tackle a range of challenges with the vision of “securing the future of a healthier Washington.”

Read more.

Near D.C.? Lend a Hand to Pack Meals 

Those near the National Mall September 10 or 11 are invited to spend 90 minutes helping AARP Foundation meet its Meal Pack Challenge. Part of the foundation’s annual day of service, the goal is to pack 1.5 million meals to provide to hungry and food-insecure older adults  served by local food banks.


ANA Seeks Comment on Gender Diversity Draft 

The American Nurses Association wants public comment on its proposed position statement Nursing Advocacy for Gender Diverse Populations.  ANA is “committed to the elimination of health disparities and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity or expression within health care settings,” and invites the public’s comments on its draft. Deadline: 5 p.m. ET on September 15.

Read the statement.

Restrictions on Nurses Fail Patients, Says Campaign Workforce Expert 

There is no evidence that “scope of practice regulations improve quality or safety for patients,” says Joanne Spetz, PhD, FAAN, a workforce expert and Campaign adviser, in an interview with Online FNP Programs.

Read more.

Breakthrough Nurse Leader Guides “It Takes a Nurse” This Week

“It Takes a Nurse,” a Facebook community designed to get nurses talking, gets a guest editor this week: Diana Ruiz, DNP, RN, a 2014 Breakthrough Leader and Campaign Outreach Advocate for a Culture of Health (COACH), offers a first-person perspective as host of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation outreach effort. She’s asking other nurses to weigh in as well.

Check out Ruiz’s posts.

New York Times Essay Recognizes Nurse’s Innovation

Bright ideas come from those doing the work, A column in the New York Times makes the point by highlighting a nurse with a bright idea–in this case a bright orange idea, in the form of a vest, that helped staff members in a trauma unit know who is in charge.

Read more .

Postpartum Study Cites Troubling Findings 

Two-thirds of postpartum nurses reported spending less than 10 minutes reviewing warning signs with new mothers of serious post-birth complications, reports MCN: The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing— despite the country’s relatively high maternal mortality rate. The researchers, also nurses, turned up other concerns, and also developed a checklist of pregnancy-related problems .

Read more.

Nursing Education Calls to Start Again in September 

The Campaign’ s monthly teleconference calls linking nursing education and Culture of Health concepts are on hold till the fall. Until the next call, September 27, Action Coalitions and others are invited to suggest topics to discuss during this learning collaborative. Email Lynn Mertz, PhD, senior strategic policy adviser at the Center to Champion Nursing in America, at [email protected].

Read  notes from the previous calls.

Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities

Schools Invited to Apply for Funds for Future of Nursing Scholars

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Future of Nursing Scholars program aims to help build a cadre of PhD-prepared nurse leaders committed to long-term careers, the better to create a Culture of Health. Schools of nursing with research-focused PhD programs are invited to apply. Deadline: September 14 at 3 p.m. ET.


Nurses’ Health Study 3 Seeks Volunteers

The Nurses’ Health Studies, the largest, longest-running investigations of women’s health, has since 1976 relied on nurse participants to study a number of health factors. The third such study seeks 100,000 nurses or nurse students, ages 19 to 52, to participate in a web-based study of health issues related to lifestyle, fertility/pregnancy, environment, and nursing exposures.


Meetings and Webinars
Meetings open to all unless otherwise noted. Follow links for details about fees and registration.

Culture of Health and Nursing Education Learning Collaborative (teleconference)

Center to Champion Nursing in America. September 27, 2:30-3:30 p.m. ET.

“Transforming Health, Driving Policy” 

American Academy of Nursing. October 5-7, Washington D.C.

Michigan Nursing Summit
Michigan Center for Nursing. October 11-13, Thompsonville, Mich.

“Transforming Practice, Providing Value
National Nurse-Led Care Consortium, hosted by the University of Maryland School of Nursing.  October 23-25, Baltimore.

Massachusetts Healthcare Workforce Summit
Massachusetts Action Coalition. November 3, 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m, Devens, Mass.

“Advancing Quality and Safety in Healthcare

Organization for Associate Degree Nursing. November 17-19, Scottsdale, Arizona.

Stay in Touch: Join the Campaign’s Listserv and Receive Our Mailings

The Campaign‘s listserv allows collaboration among Action Coalition members, Campaign stakeholders, supporters, and others interested in our work. To join, visit the Campaign website.

To receive the Campaign Update, e-alerts, or webinar invitations, register here.

Posted in News.