Campaign for Action Update: May 31, 2016



Arkansas Workshop Blends Education Efforts With Culture of Health

Congratulations to the Arkansas Action Coalition for its successful workshop that linked its education work to the Culture of Health. On May 23, 75 nurses came together in Little Rock for “Envisioning Nursing Education Curriculum to Transform the Future of Nursing,” a daylong session whose goals included building a more highly educated nursing workforce in the state that will collaborate with others in the community for better health for all. Arkansas says the speakers were well-received as they reviewed curricular models, provided updates on academic progression, and helped participants envision the nurse of the future within a Culture of Health.

Pennsylvania Senate to Hear Bill to Ease Scope Restrictions; Research Backs It Up

A new study from the University of Pennsylvania is well-timed: A state Senate committee just sent to the full Senate a bill that would remove the requirement that nurses maintain written contracts with physicians to practice and prescribe medicine. Also in mid-May, findings from “Effects of Regulation and Payment Policies on Nurse Practitioners’ Clinical Practices” include the fact that nurse practitioners are 13 percent more likely to work in primary care in states whose laws allow them to work to the full extent of their training and education. The study was funded in part by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Read more about the bill, and the study.

VA One Step Closer to Allowing APRNs Full Practice Authority

Good news for veterans who might soon have more options for care: On May 25, the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs proposal to amend its restrictions on advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs) in VA facilities was listed in the Federal Register for public comment, a key step toward passage. The proposal would authorize APRNs to provide health care services to the full extent of their education and training; the decision-making includes the public’s perspective, so weigh in now. The comments period ends July 25.

A Word About the Newsletter

Now that the Campaign‘s website has a blog that can be updated regularly with news about nurses, nursing, and healthier communities, the Campaign will no longer send out its Advancing Health quarterly newsletter. The blog gives Action Coalitions and the Campaign a way to update others more quickly and with more flexibility, while addressing a broader audience.

Post and Find New Resources on the Campaign Website

We hope you have spent some time on the new Campaign for Action website, inaugurated last month. Now that you’ve dipped in a toe, it’s time to jump in. Does your Action Coalition have a resource that others can learn from or use? Use this form to describe the resource and how it can help other Action Coalitions, and provide a link. Suggest a resource.

Building on the Campaign to Create a Healthier America: Summer Meetings

All Action Coalitions will be invited to one of two meetings this summer co-sponsored by the Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action and designed to show the powerful overlap between their work on the Campaign pillars and a Culture of Health.  The June 21-22 gathering in Omaha is co-sponsored by the Nebraska Action Coalition, and the July 13-14 event in Knoxville is co-sponsored by the Tennessee Action Coalition.

The goals of both will be the same, including activities to help participants understand how their ongoing collaborations already are building a Culture of Health, learn how to develop strategies for building a Culture of Health, and communicate more easily about the movement. Staff from the Campaign will be in touch with Action Coalitions about which session they are invited to attend. If you have questions about the meetings, contact Natalie Moulding  at [email protected].

Funding, Tools, and Other Opportunities
“Engaging Businesses for Health”- The Private Sector and a Culture of Health

As the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) works with others to build a Culture of Health, it seeks ways in which the private sector’s investments are leading to healthier communities. To find the evidence to build this business case, RWJF will fund up to eight research projects providing evidence on topics including business investment in healthy community environments, and community health and market effects on businesses.

Deadline: June 14 at 3 p.m. ET. Find out how to apply.

Call for Innovations in Graduate Population Health Curriculum Awards

The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is looking to recognize the outstanding work of AACN member schools in graduate curriculum innovation in public health.Nomination letters should be sent to Allison Jacobs at [email protected].

Deadline: June 17. Read more.

Accelerating Interprofessional Community-Based Education and Practice

Are you part of an accredited nursing school with graduate programs that wants to develop a creative, robust, and sustainable interprofessional initiative in a community-based clinical setting? Apply for a program located at the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education at the University of Minnesota, developed and funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, The John A. Hartford Foundation, the Josiah Macy Jr. Foundation, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.

Deadline: July 15 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Learn more about the program.


The Center to Champion Nursing in America hosts technical assistance webinars and teleconferences on a variety of topics. We also post information about webinars hosted by others that may be of interest.

STEM Programs Can Add Up to More Diversity in Nursing

Date: Thursday, June 30

Time: 3 – 4 p.m. ET

The dearth of minorities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) might contribute to the U.S. losing its edge when it comes to innovation, says the National Institutes of Health–but as a result, there are now a number of innovative STEM programs that target young students in diverse, disadvantaged communities. Attendees at this webinar will discuss those programs, and strategies Action Coalition can use to strengthen their diversity action plans. This focus on STEM programs can help sustain and expand diversity efforts and lead to a nursing workforce that reflects the demographics of the nation.


Webinars Hosted by Others

New: “First Look: Giving USA 2016”

Date: Wednesday, June 15

Time: 1 – 1:30 p.m. ET

Want to learn about what recent trends in giving might mean for your organization? Campbell & Company hosts this webinar that will cover broad and sector-specific philanthropic trends, potential opportunities and challenges, and what the implications are for your fundraising goals and program strategies.


Campaign Case Development and Communications
Date: Wednesday, July 13
Time: 1 – 2 p.m. ET

Is your Action Coalition thinking about starting a campaign to attract strong volunteers or find new funders? A major campaign is more than a strategy: It’s a statement about the future of your mission, and to succeed, you’ll need to make the case. Join Campbell & Company for a free webinar on developing and communicating your campaign case.

After the webinar, you should be able to express a campaign vision that stands apart, craft campaign messages that stick in donors’ minds, and plan a communications strategy that builds momentum.


Recent Archived Center to Champion Nursing in America Webinars:

Nurses as Partners in Redesigning Health Care
Summary of the April 25 webinar, including slides and transcript of the question-and-answer session.

Sustaining Diversity: Learning From Great Examples

Progress on the Institute of Medicine Recommendations: Perspectives on the Evidence, Nursing Education

Summary of the March 28 education webinar, including slides and transcript of the question-and-answer session.

The Evidence Shows: Better Laws Mean Better, More Accessible Care
Summary of the February 23 scope of practice webinar, including slides and transcript of the question-and-answer session.

Opportunities From Recent Weekly Updates:

CMS Funding to Link Clinical Care, Social Services

Applications are due by May 18 at 1 p.m. ET

NLN Foundation Invites Applicants for Education Scholarship Awards

Applications are due by May 31 at 4 p.m. ET
RWJF Evidence for Action: Grants to Support Research to Build a Culture of Health

Posted in News.